Comparing Load Balancers for Your Website: AWS Elastic Load Balancer vs NGINX vs HAProxy

August 19, 2021

Comparing Load Balancers for Your Website:


Scaling your website can be a challenging task, however, by using a load-balancer, you can efficiently distribute traffic across multiple servers, improving your website's performance and reliability. In this blog post, we will compare three popular load balancer options for your website: AWS Elastic Load Balancer, NGINX, and HAProxy.

AWS Elastic Load Balancer

AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) is a managed load balancer service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). ELB provides two types of load balancers: Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer.

Application Load Balancer (ALB) is best suited for HTTP/HTTPS traffic and provides advanced routing features such as content-based routing, host-based routing, and URL-based routing. Additionally, ALB supports WebSocket and HTTP/2 protocols.

Network Load Balancer (NLB) is best suited for TCP/UDP traffic and provides low-latency load balancing for applications requiring high throughput and low latency.


  • Fully managed load balancer service from AWS.
  • Provides advanced routing features for HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
  • Supports WebSocket and HTTP/2 protocols.


  • Expensive compared to NGINX and HAProxy.
  • Does not support other protocols such as TCP/UDP.


NGINX is an open-source web server that can also function as a load balancer. NGINX acts as a reverse proxy, passing client requests to the backend servers and returning their responses to the clients.

NGINX can be configured as a standalone load balancer or in combination with HTTP caching for improved website performance.


  • Open-source, free to use.
  • High performance and low resource utilization.
  • Can be used as a standalone load balancer or in combination with HTTP caching.


  • Requires configuration and management on your own server.
  • Limited advanced routing features compared to AWS ELB.


HAProxy is an open-source software-based load balancer that supports TCP, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols. HAProxy operates as a reverse proxy, receiving client requests, distributing them to multiple servers, and returning the server's response to the client.

HAProxy can be used for load balancing web servers, databases, or other TCP-based applications.


  • Open-source, free to use.
  • High performance and low resource utilization.
  • Supports a range of protocols.


  • Requires configuration and management on your own server.
  • Limited advanced routing features compared to AWS ELB.


Choosing the right load balancer for your website depends on your specific needs and budget. AWS Elastic Load Balancer provides powerful features for HTTP/HTTPS traffic, but it comes with a higher cost. NGINX and HAProxy both offer free and open-source options, but require more setup and configuration.

Regardless of which load balancer you choose, implementing one will improve your website's performance and reliability.


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